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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2017-07-07
Steel Wire Mesh - Welded & Woven

Anping Tenglu Metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD

Steel Wire Mesh - Welded & Woven

Welded Steel Wire Mesh is a grid formed by welding steel wires together at their intersections. Welded steel wire mesh offers greater strength and versatility over woven mesh. Welded mesh will not fray or unravel, is stable and rigid, has a smooth surface and has a excellent aesthetic appearance. Available in a wide range of wire diameters and opening sizes.

Woven Steel Wire Mesh is a grid formed by weaving wires alternately over and under and are lock-crimped at their intersections. Woven wire mesh is stable and rigid, has a smooth surface and is aesthetically pleasing. Available in a wide range of wire diameters and opening sizes.
Specifications: Carbon Steel
Applications: security, cages, screens, fencing, sifting, machinery guards, enclosures, racking / shelving, & more.
Workability: Easy to Weld, Cut, and Form with proper equipment
How is it Measured? center to center of wire X wire diameter
Available Sizes: 1ft x 4ft, 2ft x 4ft, 4ft x 4ft, 4ft x 8ft, or Cut to Size

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