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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2017-07-07
Woven Wire Mesh Grill

Anping Tenglu Metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD

Woven Wire Mesh Grill

Woven wire grill meshes from stainless steel 304 or aluminum wire are perfect for car radiator grilles and vents. Its wires running diagonally, give a square or diamond effect, looking nice.

Raw materials: aluminum, stainless steel.
Finish: powder-coated, polished chrome, or anodized aluminum
Color: silver, black, shinny light.
Grill mesh size: 6 inchX36 inch, 16 inchX36 inch, 16 inchX48 inch, 24 inchX24 inch, 12 inchX48 inch, 12 inchX40 inch, 12 inchX42 inch, 12 inchX60 inch, 18 inchX18 inch, 18 inchX24 inch, 18 inchX48 inch, 34 inchX30 inch, 48 inchX72 inch, 24 inchX48 inch, 24 inchX72 inch, 36 inchX48 inch, other sizes also can be cut.
Shipped in flat sheet or rolled.
Features: not rust, not fade, high strength, and can be pre cut to your required size.

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